MRBP – Mouse and Rat Tail Cuff Blood Pressure

Sebuah produk Mesin untuk mengukur massa  yang ideal untuk digunakan di laboratorium adalah MRBP – Mouse and Rat Tail Cuff Blood Pressure. Instrument ini bisa diandalkan dalam proses pengukuran massa hingga akurat dalam kisaran sub-miligram. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan diskusi cepat produk ini bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Analitika Sains via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679.

andaru analitika sains produk MRBP mouse rat blood pressure

Berikut adalah informasi produk MRBP – Mouse and Rat Tail Cuff Blood Pressure yang bisa anda pelajari :


Overview Product Mouse and Rat Tail Cuff Blood Pressure

The IITC Life Science blood pressure systems can be configured from 1-24 animals.

All of these systems allow researchers to quickly, and accurately obtain blood pressure measurements at the lowest recommended temperatures.

Systems use a highly sensitive photoelectric sensor for detection of blood pressure pulses. The only validated method/data when compared to both telemetry and direct blood pressure.

Our method is the only method that allows researchers to measure blood pressure at the lowest ambient temperature which is 32 deg.C. All others require high temperatures (36-40 deg. C) which can cause undue thermostress and inaccurate data.

The only validated method which enables researchers to monitor, record, store and export blood pressure readings automatically with our software.

The software will show you in real time systolic, diastolic, mean and heart rate and allows complete control of system.

Systolic is measured not “calculated/estimated” as with other systems on the market.

A critical part of the process is the placement of the inflation and detection cuff onto the test subject. While others subject the researcher and test subject to two seperate cuffs, we have combined both cuffs into our single tail cuff sensor. This technology eliminates the need for restraining the animals tail and creating undue

Components Product

component MRBP mouse rat blood pressure
component MRBP mouse rat blood pressure
component MRBP mouse rat blood pressure
component MRBP mouse rat blood pressure
component MRBP mouse rat blood pressure
Amplifier with automatic cuff inflation

Demikian informasi produk Mouse and Rat Tail Cuff Blood Pressure. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan diskusi cepat produk ini bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Analitika Sains via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679. Link alamat kami sertakan pada gmaps.