Friability Testing FRV 200i

Sebuah produk Mesin untuk menentukan keragasan, kerapuhan, dan kepadatan yang ideal untuk digunakan di laboratorium adalah Friability Testing FRV 200i. Instrument ini bisa diandalkan dalam proses menentukan keragasan, kerapuhan, dan kepadatan suatu tablet. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan diskusi cepat produk ini bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Analitika Sains via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679.

andaru analitika sains produk friability testing frv 200i

Berikut adalah informasi produk Friability Testing FRV 200i  yang bisa anda pelajari :

Overview Product Friability Testing FRV 200i

Providing highly reproducible, cost-efficient friability testing for all tablet types, the FRVi series and Friabimat testers from Copley allow analysts to easily characterise the critical tendency of tablets to chip, crumble or break.

Based on an original design by Roche, the Copley FRVi Series friability tester is an established standard within the pharmaceutical industry. Equipped with advanced design features, ranging from convenient sample loading and unloading to an integrated friability calculator, the FRVi Series streamlines the workflow associated with routine friability testing.

The FRV 200i supports up to two friability and/or abrasion drums.

FRVi Series Highlight

  • Ph. Eur. and USP compliant
  • Integrated calculation of % tablet weight loss
  • Convenient drum emptying function
  • Intuitive touchscreen control to simplify operation
  • Built-in 10° angling device for larger tablets
  • Extensive data output options: RS 232, USB A and USB B
Catalogue Number: 1432
Pharmacopoeial Compliance: Ph. Eur. 2.9.7USP <1216>
Number of Drums: Up to 2
Tablet Types: Uncoated
Unit Dimensions (w x d x h): 407 x 343 x 325 mm (with drums)


Feature FRVi

Intuitive touchscreen control with icon-based menu structure simplifies operation and clearly displays test parameters throughout run

Robust metal case with advanced corrosion protective coating

Small unit footprint saves previous benchtop space

Compatible with friability and/orbrasion drusm(s).


Selain jenis friability testing frv 200i terdapat jenis lain yaitu Friability Testing FRV 100i, berikut untuk contoh produk :

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Demikian informasi produk Friability Testing FRV 200i. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan diskusi cepat produk ini bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Analitika Sains via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679. Link alamat kami sertakan pada gmaps.