Sekilas tentang brand Ugo Basile, Ugo Basile adalah brand alat laboratorium asal Italy, 21036 Gemonio (VA) ITALY Via, Giuseppe Di Vittorio 2. Ugo Basile berfokus pada pengembangan Metabolic Cage, Isolated Organ Bath, Rotarod, Plethysmometer, Plantar Test, Analgesy Meter, dan Hot/Cold Plate NG
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Product Ugo Basile
Bagi anda yang membutuhkan info cepat produk Ugo Basile bisa menghubungi contact kami via Whatsapp 087777277740 atau Telepon 0251-7504679.
Info Brand Ugo Basile
Beberapa informasi tambahan mengenai brand Ugo Basile yang mungkin perlu anda ketahui diantaranya :
Ugo Basile adalah brand alat laboratorium berasal Italy, 21036 Gemonio (VA) ITALY Via, Giuseppe Di Vittorio 2. Ugo Basile berfokus pada pengembangan Metabolic Cage, Isolated Organ Bath, Rotarod, Plethysmometer, Plantar Test, Analgesy Meter, dan Hot/Cold Plate.
Mr.UGO BASILE, the Founder
Our company’s roots trace back to 1963 at the Department of Veterinary Physiology, University of Milan. Ugo Basile, this company’s founder, was appointed Chief Laboratory Technician for the department in recognition of his expertise in engineering, design, and invention. His skillfulness in creating new apparatus and modifying existing research equipment had become apparent to many researchers at the University, as did the demand for more and varied instruments and Mr. Basile was able to bring together expertise on optics, machining, glass blowing, electromagnetic actuators, and other fields to successfully develop novel instruments for new applications.
Ulasan Singkat Produk Ugo Basile
Beberapa diantara anda tentu ingin mendapatkan informasi lebih lengkap mengenai penggunaan alat brand ini. Salah satu produk Ugo Basile adalah Metabolic Cage Ugobasile .
Kandang Metabolik & Diuresis yang dirancang dengan baik ini menyediakan sampel urin dan feses hewan pengerat yang terpisah secara efektif.
Bagi anda yang membutuhkan informasi lebih lengkap mengenai produk Ugo Basile bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Analitika Sains via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679. Link alamat kami sertakan pada gmaps